Friday, September 23, 2011


I'm home from my trip to Alabama and very happy to say that both art shows were a great success! I am so thankful to everyone who came out to see me and my work. The weather was perfect, the turnout was great, and I met my monetary goal for my trip attending Art on the Square alone! Thank you to the organizers of both Art on the Square and the Monte Sano Art Show for all their hard work. I know from personal experience the time and sweat that goes into planning events like these and I really appreciate how wonderful they are EVERY YEAR. I can't wait for next year!

I managed to snap a few photos of my booth setup at AOTS before the crowds got too heavy:

Booth Front

Booth Side

My helpers and sanity savers: my mom and sister. (My sister found those awesome shutters at an estate sale for $5 each, can you believe it? All they needed was a new coat of paint and viola! Perfect earring holders.)

It's too early for photos...And also, I need a third table for this much inventory!

This year was the first year I displayed some of my paintings. I am very glad I took the plunge. I figured since my degree is in painting, it was past due that I put my artwork up for sale. I am happy to announce that I will soon be selling art prints in a new Etsy shop! More details on that to come!

It's good to be home and I hope to have KeelyB open for business within the day or two. The holidays are fast approaching!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Art Show Flyer!

Thanks to my very talented sister for making this for me!
If you are in the north Alabama area, come by and say hello!