Monday, February 28, 2011

Tri-Cities Flea Market

We had a lot of fun exploring the area over the weekend with Rowan and Drew. The Tri-Cities Flea Market has a lot of potential for treasure hunting, especially as the weather gets warmer. My favorite are the potbelly piglets...but Daniel says I already have two dogs that snore and snort enough as it is. I suppose he's right.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Few More Trees

EDIT: Right after I posted this, I realized that my Etsy Mini is indeed working and updating! How funny. Just when you complain about something it works. No complaints here! I am leaving the links up to make browsing easier anyhow. Enjoy.

Since my Etsy mini (to the right) doesn't seem to be updating itself like it used to (maybe Etsy changed that? Do they not show your most recently listed items anymore? I don't know...Etsy is changing so rapidly that I have a hard time keeping up with it. If you happen to know what's up, please feel free to tell me!) I decided to share a few more tree pendants with you in case you didn't realize I've been listing new things.

All of my hand painted tree pendants can be found by clicking here.

A super mini blue tree pendant. For sale here.

A red winter tree, here.

And another blue tree on torn paper, which will appear in the shop shortly.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week thus far! I am anxious for my week to be nearing its end because my sister and her boyfriend are in town this weekend! I am filling my time with productivity in the meantime. Happy Tuesday.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New (Chi) Aquarium

The filter is SO quiet and the water spilling over the rocks up top makes such a lovely bubbling sound. This is such a happy addition to our new home. For a small fish tank, this is just about perfect.

Friday, February 18, 2011


I have an awesome new idea for some glass pendants, involving scanned images of feathers. I've been saving feathers I find on the ground for years now, I don't know why I hadn't thought of this before! I hope the pendants turn out as good as they look in my head! (Isn't that always the case with good ideas? You never know until they're out in the "real world".)

Happy Friday to you all! And happy President's Day weekend as well...if you are in search of great deals, now is the time to shop around! Tons of stores are having sales.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I took this photo almost a year ago, in March, near my parents' condo on the Tennessee River. It's funny how my house now is technically on the same waterway as theirs, connected by a course of man-made dams and levees, but it feels so far away from everything I knew in Alabama.
On the 19th we will have been in Johnson City one month, and Daniel and I will also be celebrating our one year anniversary. I get swept up in the currents of life sometimes.
Do you?

Thursday, February 10, 2011


These, along with a few others, will be available in the shop shortly!

I think the red one is my favorite. The heart-shaped leaf concept is one that's been occupying some space in my brain for a while now. I might make a proper (as in big) painting of it some day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Finding a Rhythm

This is my work table in my new studio "area". I am currently occupying a tiny space upstairs, on the opposite side of our kitchen counter. It's small and a bit chaotic, but it works for me. The upstairs part of our townhouse is very well lit, with a beautiful view of the lake (and most importantly, tile floors) so I'm quite content there.

I would've been more content today had my creative-flow been flowing a little better. I guess my glass didn't travel too well, because instead of breaking where I scored it, it broke everywhere else instead. I am desperately trying to get back to making more "production" work (as much as a one-woman-show can do production work) for an upcoming show in May, and to stock KeelyB with as well. I worked through my frustrations and had a bit to show for it, so I'm thankful for that.

I also noticed, and maybe its just me, but the glass shards themselves are quite lovely.

I hope everyone else is having a wonderful week. Friday is almost here!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Settling In

The view from my back deck. The hills were misty this morning.

I meant to update the blog much sooner (we moved on Jan. 19th) but soon after arriving in Johnson City I managed to catch a stomach virus that lasted a LOT longer than I wanted it to. Thankfully I am over it now and can resume the last bits of unpacking that remain. My Etsy shop, KeelyB, is also back up and running just in time for Valentine's Day. If you are looking for unique and inexpensive gift ideas, check it out. More shop updates to come as well. I had a lot of time to think about what I want to do with both KeelyB and StudioFinn over the move, and came to an exciting conclusion (exciting for me, anyway!). Happy Tuesday to you all!