Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Few More Trees

EDIT: Right after I posted this, I realized that my Etsy Mini is indeed working and updating! How funny. Just when you complain about something it works. No complaints here! I am leaving the links up to make browsing easier anyhow. Enjoy.

Since my Etsy mini (to the right) doesn't seem to be updating itself like it used to (maybe Etsy changed that? Do they not show your most recently listed items anymore? I don't know...Etsy is changing so rapidly that I have a hard time keeping up with it. If you happen to know what's up, please feel free to tell me!) I decided to share a few more tree pendants with you in case you didn't realize I've been listing new things.

All of my hand painted tree pendants can be found by clicking here.

A super mini blue tree pendant. For sale here.

A red winter tree, here.

And another blue tree on torn paper, which will appear in the shop shortly.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week thus far! I am anxious for my week to be nearing its end because my sister and her boyfriend are in town this weekend! I am filling my time with productivity in the meantime. Happy Tuesday.

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