Thursday, February 3, 2011

Finding a Rhythm

This is my work table in my new studio "area". I am currently occupying a tiny space upstairs, on the opposite side of our kitchen counter. It's small and a bit chaotic, but it works for me. The upstairs part of our townhouse is very well lit, with a beautiful view of the lake (and most importantly, tile floors) so I'm quite content there.

I would've been more content today had my creative-flow been flowing a little better. I guess my glass didn't travel too well, because instead of breaking where I scored it, it broke everywhere else instead. I am desperately trying to get back to making more "production" work (as much as a one-woman-show can do production work) for an upcoming show in May, and to stock KeelyB with as well. I worked through my frustrations and had a bit to show for it, so I'm thankful for that.

I also noticed, and maybe its just me, but the glass shards themselves are quite lovely.

I hope everyone else is having a wonderful week. Friday is almost here!

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