Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Addition

We added a new member to the aquatic family this past weekend. Meet George! He (I am assuming it's a he, although I think snails can change sexes? Don't quote me on that though!) is a "Blue Mystery Snail" of the aquatic variety, obviously. I think the name is derived from the color of their shell, which you can't see at all here. But it's a beautiful bluish-grey. I'll try and get a photo of it sometime soon.

Our aquarium gets a fair amount of sunlight and algae has started growing already. Instead of getting chemical drops to clear the tank up, we wanted to take the more natural approach to maintaining our little ecosystem. Snails love algae. It seemed like the logical thing to do. If you look really closely you can see his little mouth going to town on that glass. I love his little "moustache" too.

The Beta (who I affectionately refer to as "fatty fish" because he can never get enough to eat!) hated George the first two days we had him, but I think he has figured out that George poses no threat to his food supply so he's stopped picking on him. Thank goodness.

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