Friday, July 8, 2011


I wandered down to the water this morning. I couldn't help but try and catch a photo of a sight I found to be very amusing: ducks hanging out on an old inner tube that has been tied to the dock and forgotten about:

Of course, they fled as soon as I approached. Little did they know I came bearing gifts of bread. I managed to snap this shot before they were all off of the raft though, which I came to find out is actually called Big Mable. I find it nice, in a way, to realize how nature will appropriate things when she pleases. That raft had obviously been there long enough to be incorporated into the ducks' environment and no longer deemed a human "threat".

While I realize this appropriation can be a good thing, I also realize it can be dangerous. In the same way our feathered friends might make use of the things careless humans leave behind, they can also become entangled in things like fishing wire. We live an existence of opposites. Juxtapositions.

Once I was down to the deck, a little lady came up to say hi. She wasn't with the other ducks and was actually quite friendly. She got the bread all to herself (well, except for a few pesky fishes who attempted to snatch it away from her). I really enjoy how quirky ducks are. It was peaceful on the lake with just her this morning.

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