Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Come See Me at the Art Shows in September!!!

Well, there are two (main) reasons.
1. Some amazing talent shows up for these things, and
2. I will be selling some stuff that I don't sell in the shop!

For example, these really cool leaf pendants will be making an appearance:

The leaves in these babies were made by Mother Nature herself, so no two are alike. They are coated with some kind of wonderful silvery/gold metallic substance that looks really rad with the silver wire, if I do say so myself. I love how delicate they remain, though. You can still see all the veins and beautiful intricacies that Nature puts into her work. I carefully cut and grind the glass to reflect each leaf and its unique shape. I'm proud of these pendants, if you can't tell, and they are even better in person.

So! If you live in North Alabama, or near(ish), you should mark your calendars for the second and third Saturdays in September and come experience these art shows. I made a full post about the shows, here, and that post includes links to the websites which offer more details. I'll be sure to mention the shows at least one more time before I hit the road for Alabama, as well. You know, just in case anyone misses these posts.

Happy Hump Day! Have a lovely rest of the week! My parents are in town this weekend so you probably won't hear from me until next week!

Monday, August 8, 2011

"Immortalized" APC Concert Experience

I just wanted to share this video I found last night, when searching YouTube for footage of the APC Tabernacle show to help me relive my awesome memories. No one was "supposed" to record anything, so I don't know how long this will be up (I hope forever) but I got such a kick out of finding this.

The song is "The Noose", one of my personal favorites. At 0:20 you can hear me scream like a fangirl. The guy recording must have been right next to me, cause the view through his phone is exactly the one I had from where I stood, and you can even hear me singing at the beginning. I wasn't totally sure it was me at first, but my friends Nia and Steve confirmed it has to be. So enjoy! But don't listen to me, listen to Maynard : )

September Art Shows!

Art on the Square
Sept. 10, 2011
Downtown Athens, AL.
(click the link for more details)

The Monte Sano Art Show
Sept. 17, 2011 (yes I noticed the typo on their banner)
Monte Sano Mountain in Huntsville, AL.
(click the link above for more information)

I hope you can come to at least one of these awesome shows to stop by and see me! Both of these shows are juried, and have an amazing amount of talent on display. I am so proud to be part of them again this year!