Monday, August 8, 2011

"Immortalized" APC Concert Experience

I just wanted to share this video I found last night, when searching YouTube for footage of the APC Tabernacle show to help me relive my awesome memories. No one was "supposed" to record anything, so I don't know how long this will be up (I hope forever) but I got such a kick out of finding this.

The song is "The Noose", one of my personal favorites. At 0:20 you can hear me scream like a fangirl. The guy recording must have been right next to me, cause the view through his phone is exactly the one I had from where I stood, and you can even hear me singing at the beginning. I wasn't totally sure it was me at first, but my friends Nia and Steve confirmed it has to be. So enjoy! But don't listen to me, listen to Maynard : )

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