Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Just a quick note to let everyone know that I am having a Moving Sale in BOTH of my Etsy shops, KeelyB and StudioFinn. This sale includes free shipping (first class mail) on everything. The less I have to take with me to Johnson City, the better. Here are a couple of items on sale:

Reflecting Pool Necklace from StudioFinn

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday (I know I did!) and has a happy, safe New Year. 2011 sure is bringing a lot of positive, exciting, big changes for me...I hope it is for you as well.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Photo courtesy of Ajohns90 via

My apologies for the lack of posts lately. We found out last week that Daniel got a job in Johnson City, Tennessee and that we will be moving in January! It's all been very exciting, but also very hectic, so I might be absent for a while. I'm really looking forward to some mountain air and will be sure to update things as soon as we get settled. In the meantime, I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving and has a wonderful holiday season and New Year : )

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Listings on Etsy!

I've been busy adding new things for sale at StudioFinn. All of these can be found at my Etsy shop! More to come later in the week as well : )
Nacre Necklace
Nacre Necklace

Nacre Stud Earrings

Recycled Silver Pebble Pendant

Winter Berry Earrings

Winter Berry Necklace

Tiny Leaf Post Earrings

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Quick Hello to Say...

...sorry I haven't written in a while! I promise I'm not falling off the blogging bandwagon. I've just been super distracted lately, for some reason (autumn restless, perhaps) and spending waaaay too much time on this site.

You should check it out. It might be my new addiction.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Works for Me Wednesdays

We all love the idea of recycling, and for me it has become something that I strive to do both in my work and personal life. A lot of the jewelry concepts I've developed revolve around the need to recycle, reuse, and rethink what might originally be thought of as "trash" or unusable (glass "shards" and scraps of silver) and I strive to carry that over into my personal life as well.

Lets face it though, sometimes recycling can be hard. It is hardly ever convenient, especially if you live in a town like mine where, for whatever reason, recycling glass has not caught on. To give Florence credit, they have a wonderful curbside pickup program where all you have to pay is $6.00 for your bin and that is it. No monthly fees. No anything. You put the bin out on trash day, full of your recycle-ables (cardboard, newspaper, plastic, cans), but NOT glass. There isn't even a facility in our county where glass can be dropped off. If you are intent on recycling glass you have to drive a county over and use their facility, which is about an hour away. And for me that is just a bit too much. (Props to the people I know who DO hoard glass and make the trek to Athens.)

What I choose to do instead is reuse. I am not a fan of the energy it takes to recycle items in the traditional way (melt 'em down and reform them) so if I can find a use for something, I will. Bottles have been a bit more of a challenge (more on that in another post) but jars are pretty straightforward...clean them up and use them as storage. I have a riverglass collection and a shell collection, both of which are always growing, so spaghetti jars automatically have a new life once their sauce is gone. Jars also make great pencil holders, paintbrush receptacles, or even drinking glasses (hey, I do live in the South...mason jars, anyone?).

However, and this is the true point of this post, getting that sticky glue gunk off glass is enough to make you want to throw the whole thing out! Washing with simple soap is not enough, and using WD40 (which works) is disgusting as well as hazardous and smelly. I have found the perfect tool though. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers!

I peel the paper off the jars and put them in the dishwasher to get rid of any residue. Then its time for the Magic Eraser...a little water and elbow grease and the glue comes right off! The Magic Erasers are good for other things too (wall smudges, etc.). I am a big fan of matte wall paint, even in my kitchen, so these guys are handy to have around.

Here's some of my riverglass, waiting to be made into pendants...and being used as sun catchers in the windowsill in the meantime.

Monday, October 25, 2010

New Work

Recycled sterling silver "pebbles" and Nacre Pendants (torch-fused glass and sterling silver) for a custom order...

Put together, they will look something like this...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Current Obsession: The Moon

It started with this drawing in my sketchbook...

And then continued on...(work in progress)...

I knew it was official when I saw this awesome carved labradorite cab at the Huntsville Gem and Mineral Show. I had to have it. It's so cosmic and glows that beautiful blue at almost any angle. I've set it in reticulated sterling silver to create a pendant that, to me, resembles the flecks of stars in a night sky.

I would very much like to find some more of these faces, and create a whole "man in the moon" series.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Business Cards!

Designed by my talented sister, graphic designer and digital media artist, Rowan Finnegan. Screen-printed here in Florence, AL. by the amazing duo Jamie and Katie at the Black Owl Trading Co.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Autumn, Finally!

The first hint of autumn is finally here! The southeastern states don't get to experience the cool breezes of this beloved season until around mid-October, so by the time the humidity breaks we are all past ready for it. Autumn is my favorite season, so I am trying my best to enjoy everything about it before winter makes its swift arrival. It seems like the transitional seasons are never long enough in this part of the country...

I had the day off today, so Daniel and I took the dogs to the TVA's Rockpile trail for some fresh air. Everything is still really green, but the first leaves are starting to change.

Things I'm looking forward to this autumn:
  • Wearing scarves
  • Hot tea in the morning
  • Apple cider
  • The smell of fallen leaves
  • Cuddling under blankets with the dogs and a good book
  • Baking
  • Dressing in layers
  • Riding with the windows down
  • Visiting the river
  • The Alabama Renaissance Faire
  • Evening walks
  • Introspection

What about you?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Meet the Pups

I'd like to take the time to introduce my dogs, Duke and Phoebe, as I am sure you will be seeing/hearing more about them a lot in the future. (I love Phoebe's face in this photo!) I can't imagine my life without at least one dog in it. Their playful antics really make life worth living for me...and there's nothing quite like the unconditional love you get from a dog. I could totally see myself being a dog-lady later in life.

This is Duke. He turned five this past September, which also marks his adoption date. When I found him four years ago it was literally love at first sight...I just knew he was meant to come home with me. He is such a sweetheart.

And this is Phoebe! She came into my life in March of this year, and isn't even a year old yet. Duke needed another dog around to play with and Phoebe is the perfect (well, almost) match. Being a puppy, she is sometimes a bit much for Duke, but they get along really well. I couldn't be happier. I love Bostons so much...their quirks and affection, although sometimes I could do without so much gas ; )

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Start at the Beginning

OK, so here I am. After neglecting my first blog to the point of its eventual deletion, I am back and ready to try this thing again. I really feel like I have a lot to gain from blogging, and nothing to lose, so lets do this and see where it goes.

I suppose the easiest place to start is at the beginning. I'll begin by introducing myself. Hello, my name is Keely Finnegan. I am the artist behind both KeelyB (B is for my middle name, Beth) and StudioFinn. I am 25 years old, which is turning out to be a rather pivotal age for me (quarter life crisis, anyone?). I have an art degree from the University of North Alabama, and since graduating in December of 2008 I have been working at a local coffee shop part time and making art on the side. I love my "day" job (it keeps me social and the boss is great) but my ultimate goal is to do what I really love full time, which is create. So...I am mainly starting this blog because I want to get serious about my art.

I have found that if you want more of something in your life, you have to consciously make room for it, and I want art to be my full time job someday. My hope is that writing a blog, sharing with others, and documenting my progress (or even lack thereof) will help me with that goal and provide some kind of accountability, be it from myself or from my readers. I do not claim to be a great writer, and this whole blogging thing is going to be highly experimental for me, so please bear with me as I explore (and pardon the comma splices). Hopefully you will find some points of interest here as these pages grow, and we can share and learn from each other.