Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Start at the Beginning

OK, so here I am. After neglecting my first blog to the point of its eventual deletion, I am back and ready to try this thing again. I really feel like I have a lot to gain from blogging, and nothing to lose, so lets do this and see where it goes.

I suppose the easiest place to start is at the beginning. I'll begin by introducing myself. Hello, my name is Keely Finnegan. I am the artist behind both KeelyB (B is for my middle name, Beth) and StudioFinn. I am 25 years old, which is turning out to be a rather pivotal age for me (quarter life crisis, anyone?). I have an art degree from the University of North Alabama, and since graduating in December of 2008 I have been working at a local coffee shop part time and making art on the side. I love my "day" job (it keeps me social and the boss is great) but my ultimate goal is to do what I really love full time, which is create. So...I am mainly starting this blog because I want to get serious about my art.

I have found that if you want more of something in your life, you have to consciously make room for it, and I want art to be my full time job someday. My hope is that writing a blog, sharing with others, and documenting my progress (or even lack thereof) will help me with that goal and provide some kind of accountability, be it from myself or from my readers. I do not claim to be a great writer, and this whole blogging thing is going to be highly experimental for me, so please bear with me as I explore (and pardon the comma splices). Hopefully you will find some points of interest here as these pages grow, and we can share and learn from each other.

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