Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Spring

Spring is finally in full swing here in Johnson City. The lake is looking especially beautiful (when it isn't covered in pollen). I hope everyone had a lovely Easter weekend.

Here's a snapshot of Duke and Phoebe out enjoying the warm weather. Duke is usually content just to sit in the sun, whereas Phoebe has to find something to chew on (usually a stick).

The irises are blooming right now. We have quite a few colors planted on the hillside here, and I wanted to capture their beauty before their relatively short blooming season is over.

The yellow ones are huge! Bigger than my hands, although you can't tell from the picture.

The bi-colored ones are probably my favorite. I love the intricate patterns on the petals, and how beautiful the insides of the blossoms look.

This time of year is truly wonderful. I love watching everything come to life. It reminds me so much of my grandfather, who has been gone ten years now. He loved flowers and watching the birds, and being outside in general. It's hard to believe how the time flies. Enjoy it. Mark the seasons. Happy Spring <3

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