Monday, May 23, 2011

More New Things

I finished up, packaged, and shipped a custom order for a friend of mine over the weekend. She provided the photo and I did the rest. It's a gift for a friend of hers. I hope she loves it!

The miniature day lily I got at the Farmer's Market last weekend has starting blooming! I love its yellow. Such a happy color.

I've also been playing with some new tools. By "new" I mean I got them as Christmas presents and hadn't touched them yet. It feels good to take a break from glass and work with metal again. The StudioFinn shop will be getting some much needed attention over the next few weeks.

I've also added a list of links (to the right -->>) titled "People I Know". So many of my friends are getting/building websites of their own, showing their amazing talents, that I feel the need to share them with you. Check all of those links out. They are all amazing. You won't be disappointed. I am so proud to know so many talented artists.

Wishing you a happy and productive week!

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