Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year, New Blog

For a multitude of reasons, I am starting fresh over here.

I sure hope you all can join me there.

Happy New Year.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Autumn Foliage Part 1

Autumn in the Hills

The view from Craggy Gardens, NC. We drove up there last Saturday to catch a glimpse of the autumn foliage before it fades at the higher elevations. If you live anywhere near the Blue Ridge Parkway, I highly suggest you take a day trip! The views are breathtaking and the mountain air feels (and smells) so good!

Craggy Gardens, NC

Autumn Berries

Pod Thing

Birch Trunk


I'm in the process of learning how to post some bigger photos on here, so pardon me if things are a bit "messy" for a little while. Technology is really not my thing, but I am a very visual person so large photos are a must!

Charlotte, NC

Daniel and I took a day trip to Charlotte, NC. last weekend. Our main reason for going was to get desks for ourselves at the IKEA there, but we managed to make a couple of other stops as well.

My favorite place was Amelie's French Bakery. I read about it on DesignSponge's city guide for Charlotte and had to go. Their city guides are really useful, esp. if you are just stopping in a place for a little while but want to check out the local scene too.

We picked up some pastries to go and enjoyed some of the best espresso I've ever had before we hit the road for home.

See that smile?

The decor was amazing. I could literally spend hours in there.

Autumn is upon us here in the mountains. I will have some new photos to share soon. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I'm home from my trip to Alabama and very happy to say that both art shows were a great success! I am so thankful to everyone who came out to see me and my work. The weather was perfect, the turnout was great, and I met my monetary goal for my trip attending Art on the Square alone! Thank you to the organizers of both Art on the Square and the Monte Sano Art Show for all their hard work. I know from personal experience the time and sweat that goes into planning events like these and I really appreciate how wonderful they are EVERY YEAR. I can't wait for next year!

I managed to snap a few photos of my booth setup at AOTS before the crowds got too heavy:

Booth Front

Booth Side

My helpers and sanity savers: my mom and sister. (My sister found those awesome shutters at an estate sale for $5 each, can you believe it? All they needed was a new coat of paint and viola! Perfect earring holders.)

It's too early for photos...And also, I need a third table for this much inventory!

This year was the first year I displayed some of my paintings. I am very glad I took the plunge. I figured since my degree is in painting, it was past due that I put my artwork up for sale. I am happy to announce that I will soon be selling art prints in a new Etsy shop! More details on that to come!

It's good to be home and I hope to have KeelyB open for business within the day or two. The holidays are fast approaching!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Art Show Flyer!

Thanks to my very talented sister for making this for me!
If you are in the north Alabama area, come by and say hello!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Come See Me at the Art Shows in September!!!

Well, there are two (main) reasons.
1. Some amazing talent shows up for these things, and
2. I will be selling some stuff that I don't sell in the shop!

For example, these really cool leaf pendants will be making an appearance:

The leaves in these babies were made by Mother Nature herself, so no two are alike. They are coated with some kind of wonderful silvery/gold metallic substance that looks really rad with the silver wire, if I do say so myself. I love how delicate they remain, though. You can still see all the veins and beautiful intricacies that Nature puts into her work. I carefully cut and grind the glass to reflect each leaf and its unique shape. I'm proud of these pendants, if you can't tell, and they are even better in person.

So! If you live in North Alabama, or near(ish), you should mark your calendars for the second and third Saturdays in September and come experience these art shows. I made a full post about the shows, here, and that post includes links to the websites which offer more details. I'll be sure to mention the shows at least one more time before I hit the road for Alabama, as well. You know, just in case anyone misses these posts.

Happy Hump Day! Have a lovely rest of the week! My parents are in town this weekend so you probably won't hear from me until next week!