Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Laurel Falls Hike



Daniel and I went hiking out near Laurel Falls, TN. on Sunday. It was really beautiful out there. I am sad to report that we didn't make it all the way out to the falls (next time!) due to mud and improper shoes on our part, but the scenery we did see was still amazing. I snapped a few photos of the creek as it ran along a rock face out in the woods. We hiked a total of 2 miles so I still feel pretty good about the exercise we did get.

If you click the Laurel Falls link above, it will take you to a website with info. on how to get there/what to expect out of the hike, etc. The path is part of the Appalachian Trail, which stretches from Georgia all the way to Maine. I feel so lucky to live in such a vibrant hiking community. I'll be sure to share more trails with you as we check them out.

Friday, June 24, 2011


The dogs are being especially cute today so I had to snap some photos. Everyone loves dog photos, right?

Phoebe posing for her close-up. She loves getting her picture taken.

Phoebe with her cute face on.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Slinky Chain Dangle Earrings

With Sapphire

Simple. Elegant. Light-weight. Dress them up or wear them with jeans and a t-shirt! And probably the most affordable pieces of jewelry I've made in a long time.

Both of these can be found in the StudioFinn shop as we speak!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mythical Feather Earrings

The first of the earrings are showing up in the StudioFinn shop today. You can find the Mythical Feather Earrings here.

In Memoriam

"The Birdman"

My friend Tim passed away yesterday. He was the freest soul I've ever had the pleasure of encountering on this earth, and my heart aches that he is gone. But I am happy his suffering is over, and I know a soul such as his is in a better place now. His departing on the Summer Solstice is no coincidence either, I know.

Fly on, Tim, you are free now.
Your spirit will never be forgotten.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My "Official" Weight Loss Plan

Before I share my plan with you, I feel like since this is the internet and very public, that I need to state a brief disclaimer: In no way am I a doctor or any kind of health professional. I am not suggesting that you do what I do, or do what you read here. I don't even know how well my plan will work at this point, but I want to blog about it. This is about documenting my journey, not telling others what to do or giving weight loss advice. However, if you are ever in need of some moral support, please do drop me a line...I'll do the best I can to brighten your day.
*End Disclaimer*

My "Official" Weight Loss Plan
(Subject to change, of course, esp. as I get in better shape)
  • Consume 1200 to 1550 calories per day (tracking them on SparkPeople.com)
  • Limit sugar and fat: no soda, no junk food
  • Drink 8 full glasses of water each day
  • Burn at least 750 calories per week (also tracking this on SparkPeople.com)
  • Walk 5 miles per week (if I manage this I burn well over 750 calories)
  • Strength training 3 times per week
  • Overall: Lose 2 lbs. per week

I've started a Health Journal as well. I have found that working on it really helps me on the days I need some motivation or find myself in a funk. I've shared a few images here just to keep this post from being all text.

So far, I've lost almost 3 pounds since joining SparkPeople. I am still under my goal of losing 2 lbs. per week, right now I'm at about half of that actually, but I am ok with that. If there is anything I've figured out about my body, it's that I'm a slow loser. I'm not letting that discourage me. As long as I'm losing something, I'm happy. And I'm already enjoying the increased energy I feel from eating healthy and exercising on a daily basis.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and to all you dads out there, a belated Happy Father's Day to you! I am so lucky to be able to call my dad one of my best friends. He truly is. We are so much alike that is scares me sometimes (I've inherited his horrible sense of humor, ha!). Proof: His Father's Day card said: Dad, for Father's Day I wanted to get you something personal...(when you open it:) So I farted in this card.

Yep. True story. I wish I had thought to photograph it before I mailed it off to him.

The StudioFinn shop is due for a major earring update this week, so stay tuned for that. I have at least eight pairs of earrings to list for sale in there.

Oh, and I updated my profile picture today. The one that was up there was almost two years old. I hope you like it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Random Weekend Update

Breakfast this morning: hard boiled egg, coffee (no sugar) with 1 % milk, water, whole wheat blueberry waffle, a smidgen of lemon strawberry preserves from the farmer's market, and vitamins (fish oil, multivitamin, D3, garlic, and cranberry)

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I know I did. A little too good, if you ask me. Daniel and I went out for sushi on Saturday and I didn't think to look up the caloric values for what I ate until after I got home. Talk about a buzzkill. The rolls I like (spicy tuna and shrimp tempura) are loaded with calories. And carbs. I don't know how I had the delusion that any/all sushi was "healthy" food before, but let me just say when we go out for it again...I'm sticky to plain fish and rice. No fancy stuff. At least not for a while. It's realizations like this one that make me think to myself, "Jeeze Keely, no wonder you can't lose weight! You aren't educating yourself on what you put in your body!" Learning can be painful sometimes...kinda like beating your head against a wall. But you get over it. And now I know to look up what I want to eat before I put it in my mouth and avoid the regret in the first place.

We walked 1.2 miles yesterday after the heat of the day died down. And I ate a nice lean breakfast this morning. Doing these things helps me stave off any negative feelings or doubts that I'm not doing enough to shed the pounds. I've also started strength training three days a week, according to the workout plan I have on Spark People. My energy levels are picking up since I've been focused on eating a more overall balanced diet (I was sooo tired on low carb.) and fresh foods, and remembering to take vitamins with breakfast in the morning is helping too. So even though I get that nagging doubt a few times a day, I still feel pretty good about what I'm doing. It really helps that I have a supportive significant other as well.

The Farmer's Market has become a Saturday morning ritual. Farm fresh eggs are just so delicious, and we picked up a few other goodies as well (fresh lettuce, black bean hummus, salsa, the preserves I mentioned for breakfast, and this succulent which I really love). I've been wanting to expand my succulent garden for a while now, and this little guy is the perfect addition. Plus I scored the pot at Ross for a mere $2.99.

I love the rosettes this plant produces. I'm probably going to make a painting of it some time soon. Our walls are so bare, esp. for an artist to be living here.

I've added a few new things to both KeelyB and StudioFinn. Stop by and check them out! Also, have a wonderful week!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

StudioFinn Shop Update

Floating Reflecting Pool Necklace

All of these can be found in the shop.

I've been on a bit of an earring kick this week. I have a couple more earrings in the works as well, including some Teeny Tiny Twig earrings that are oxidized that I really love. I kind of get the feeling that the general population doesn't care for oxidized (darkened) silver as much as I do though, so I've been trying not to use it as much.

In other exciting news, I am now a proud member of the Aspiring Metalsmiths Team on Etsy! Yay! I can't believe I almost forgot to share that! I had the privilege of meeting Clarity, the team's founder, at the Blue Plum Festival here in Johnson City last weekend and she told me all about the team. (click here to see her amazing shop) It's an awesome group of Etsians who work with metal, ranging from the beginner to master metalsmith, who get together online and share tips, stories, etc. I'm really glad to be part of such an awesome and welcoming group.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Sait It "Out Loud"

Sunrise over the lake.

Hello to anyone out there who might be reading. I realized that since this post I have neglected to write about my plans to get healthy/ lose weight. In the new habit of being completely honest with myself, and choosing to share these things with the internet, here it goes...I haven't written about it because there is nothing to update. No improvements made. At best I've been treading water, so to speak, and I've wanted to shove my goal of losing weight into the closet with all of the other clothes that no longer fit and shelve my goals. Along with my self esteem.

But I'm not going to do that.

June, as short as it has been thus far, has been a very productive and awakening month for me. I think I've finally thawed out from the move over the winter. (yeah, it took long enough right?) After a blur of January, February, and March, April held some painful realizations for me. May was spent mourning over those realizations and pouting a bit. And now June has come along. I am over feeling sorry for myself. I am over the sense of defeat and ready to move on. Ready to take charge. Ready to make some real change.

Real change starts with a change of mindset. Or at least, a change of heart. A change of point of view. I've had all three. I've been empowered and I am ready to share with the world. I am ready to hold myself accountable, and to reach out to others to help hold myself accountable. I am done making excuses...excuses not to exercise, not getting the work done that I want to get done, and for falling short of the person I want to be.

As far as my weight goes, which ties directly to this "good health" I am searching for...I have let my thyroid disease be my excuse for being overweight for far too long. I have let the screws in my hips be an excuse not to push my body into exercising, and sometimes into not moving at all. I've let the nerves that get pinched in my pelvis hold me back. When the truth is: Moving is good for me. It is the best medicine around. I won't ever be a marathon runner. In fact, I won't ever be a runner at all (the impact from running is actually bad for my hips, doctor says) but I can be a walker, a swimmer, a biker, and a million other active things. I've shed the fear and I am ready to shed the pounds, too.

And about this "diet" thing, which is really a lifestyle change for me, because it will be permanent, I have found the guidance I have been searching for. I've tried low carb. I've tried other "fad" diets and failed...because that is just it, they're fads. I could never stick to them. I know what is best for me and that is to count calories and eat a balanced diet of a little bit of everything. Cut out the really bad stuff (bye bye, cheetos) but overall, don't deny myself of foods like bread and fruit, just because some diet guy who wrote a book says they're bad for me. I know that method doesn't work. Not for me. My goal is to overall, just eat healthy...and count calories until I shed the weight I want to shed.

The website SparkPeople.com is going to help me achieve my goals.

At the risk of sounding like an infomercial: If you are interested in losing weight or just improving your lifestyle, I highly encourage you to click the link above and check it out. I was skeptical at first, esp. since I found it just stumbling around on the internet, but this site is wonderful. They have a calorie counter that actually has a database of foods to refer to, a meal plan generator, exercise tracker, message boards, teams you can join, motivation articles, etc. There are SO many tools! I haven't even reached the full potential of the site yet. And best of all, it's FREE!

I got on Spark People, signed up, and created a profile. And most importantly, I said it "out loud": I want to lose 40 pounds by November 2011.

That's two pounds a week. That is back to what I weighed in high school. That will put me back into my healthy BMI range. I want to feel my age and not my weight.

So, there you have it. I know I can do this thing. And I know that as I shed the pounds I will gain what I lost in energy. That thought is so very exciting. I know there will be bumps in the road, and even setbacks, but I am ready to take my health into my own hands and face this thing head-on. Positive changes have already taken place. I look forward to those that are still to come.

Please feel free to comment and post any helpful websites or tips of your own for eating healthy and/or losing weight. And if anyone out there ever needs some support, just holler at me! Seriously : )

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fused Glass on the Brain

Tiny Reflecting Pool Charm Necklace


I've been so tired this week. Every morning has been a struggle to get out of bed and I don't know why. Perhaps I'm still recovering from the visit back home. Perhaps it's the unusual heat we've been experiencing here lately. Who ever really knows. What I do know is that I'm ready to have my energy back again!

I managed another shop update this week. Four necklaces, all featuring fused glass. If you click the names under the photos, the link will take you directly to that necklace in the store, where you can read the details on each.

Have a lovely weekend!