Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Laurel Falls Hike



Daniel and I went hiking out near Laurel Falls, TN. on Sunday. It was really beautiful out there. I am sad to report that we didn't make it all the way out to the falls (next time!) due to mud and improper shoes on our part, but the scenery we did see was still amazing. I snapped a few photos of the creek as it ran along a rock face out in the woods. We hiked a total of 2 miles so I still feel pretty good about the exercise we did get.

If you click the Laurel Falls link above, it will take you to a website with info. on how to get there/what to expect out of the hike, etc. The path is part of the Appalachian Trail, which stretches from Georgia all the way to Maine. I feel so lucky to live in such a vibrant hiking community. I'll be sure to share more trails with you as we check them out.

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