Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My "Official" Weight Loss Plan

Before I share my plan with you, I feel like since this is the internet and very public, that I need to state a brief disclaimer: In no way am I a doctor or any kind of health professional. I am not suggesting that you do what I do, or do what you read here. I don't even know how well my plan will work at this point, but I want to blog about it. This is about documenting my journey, not telling others what to do or giving weight loss advice. However, if you are ever in need of some moral support, please do drop me a line...I'll do the best I can to brighten your day.
*End Disclaimer*

My "Official" Weight Loss Plan
(Subject to change, of course, esp. as I get in better shape)
  • Consume 1200 to 1550 calories per day (tracking them on SparkPeople.com)
  • Limit sugar and fat: no soda, no junk food
  • Drink 8 full glasses of water each day
  • Burn at least 750 calories per week (also tracking this on SparkPeople.com)
  • Walk 5 miles per week (if I manage this I burn well over 750 calories)
  • Strength training 3 times per week
  • Overall: Lose 2 lbs. per week

I've started a Health Journal as well. I have found that working on it really helps me on the days I need some motivation or find myself in a funk. I've shared a few images here just to keep this post from being all text.

So far, I've lost almost 3 pounds since joining SparkPeople. I am still under my goal of losing 2 lbs. per week, right now I'm at about half of that actually, but I am ok with that. If there is anything I've figured out about my body, it's that I'm a slow loser. I'm not letting that discourage me. As long as I'm losing something, I'm happy. And I'm already enjoying the increased energy I feel from eating healthy and exercising on a daily basis.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and to all you dads out there, a belated Happy Father's Day to you! I am so lucky to be able to call my dad one of my best friends. He truly is. We are so much alike that is scares me sometimes (I've inherited his horrible sense of humor, ha!). Proof: His Father's Day card said: Dad, for Father's Day I wanted to get you something personal...(when you open it:) So I farted in this card.

Yep. True story. I wish I had thought to photograph it before I mailed it off to him.

The StudioFinn shop is due for a major earring update this week, so stay tuned for that. I have at least eight pairs of earrings to list for sale in there.

Oh, and I updated my profile picture today. The one that was up there was almost two years old. I hope you like it.


  1. Go Keely!! I've been trying to keep up with all of that stuff too...still need to make a workout plan of sorts.

    I think doing a journal might help me some.

    Since I started taking medication back in February to help with insulin resistance, I've lost 22 lbs...I've GOT to start exercising though! (and do better about no soda/junk food)

    I wish you were here so we could do it together!! I need a weight loss/healthy living buddy!

  2. Go Maggie!!! That is GREAT that you've already lost so much weight!

    Exercise is the hardest part for me. I've cut out junk food and soda completely. The only splurge I'll allow myself is a beer or 80 cal. ice cream bar. It's a struggle to get off my ass, haha. I SO WISH I WERE THERE TOO! It's much easier to get moving with a friend. Daniel helps me some, but he's at work all day...

    Sparkpeople.com lets you create a fitness routine and track the exercises you do/how many calories you burn. They even have workout videos. I sound like an ad for the site, but I think it's awesome. I've started doing the 10 min. bootcamp workouts cause then I can at least convince myself "its only 10 minutes".

    Lets me long distance healthy living buddies?

  3. Lets *be, rather.

    PS. I miss you!
