Monday, June 13, 2011

Random Weekend Update

Breakfast this morning: hard boiled egg, coffee (no sugar) with 1 % milk, water, whole wheat blueberry waffle, a smidgen of lemon strawberry preserves from the farmer's market, and vitamins (fish oil, multivitamin, D3, garlic, and cranberry)

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I know I did. A little too good, if you ask me. Daniel and I went out for sushi on Saturday and I didn't think to look up the caloric values for what I ate until after I got home. Talk about a buzzkill. The rolls I like (spicy tuna and shrimp tempura) are loaded with calories. And carbs. I don't know how I had the delusion that any/all sushi was "healthy" food before, but let me just say when we go out for it again...I'm sticky to plain fish and rice. No fancy stuff. At least not for a while. It's realizations like this one that make me think to myself, "Jeeze Keely, no wonder you can't lose weight! You aren't educating yourself on what you put in your body!" Learning can be painful sometimes...kinda like beating your head against a wall. But you get over it. And now I know to look up what I want to eat before I put it in my mouth and avoid the regret in the first place.

We walked 1.2 miles yesterday after the heat of the day died down. And I ate a nice lean breakfast this morning. Doing these things helps me stave off any negative feelings or doubts that I'm not doing enough to shed the pounds. I've also started strength training three days a week, according to the workout plan I have on Spark People. My energy levels are picking up since I've been focused on eating a more overall balanced diet (I was sooo tired on low carb.) and fresh foods, and remembering to take vitamins with breakfast in the morning is helping too. So even though I get that nagging doubt a few times a day, I still feel pretty good about what I'm doing. It really helps that I have a supportive significant other as well.

The Farmer's Market has become a Saturday morning ritual. Farm fresh eggs are just so delicious, and we picked up a few other goodies as well (fresh lettuce, black bean hummus, salsa, the preserves I mentioned for breakfast, and this succulent which I really love). I've been wanting to expand my succulent garden for a while now, and this little guy is the perfect addition. Plus I scored the pot at Ross for a mere $2.99.

I love the rosettes this plant produces. I'm probably going to make a painting of it some time soon. Our walls are so bare, esp. for an artist to be living here.

I've added a few new things to both KeelyB and StudioFinn. Stop by and check them out! Also, have a wonderful week!

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