Thursday, June 9, 2011

StudioFinn Shop Update

Floating Reflecting Pool Necklace

All of these can be found in the shop.

I've been on a bit of an earring kick this week. I have a couple more earrings in the works as well, including some Teeny Tiny Twig earrings that are oxidized that I really love. I kind of get the feeling that the general population doesn't care for oxidized (darkened) silver as much as I do though, so I've been trying not to use it as much.

In other exciting news, I am now a proud member of the Aspiring Metalsmiths Team on Etsy! Yay! I can't believe I almost forgot to share that! I had the privilege of meeting Clarity, the team's founder, at the Blue Plum Festival here in Johnson City last weekend and she told me all about the team. (click here to see her amazing shop) It's an awesome group of Etsians who work with metal, ranging from the beginner to master metalsmith, who get together online and share tips, stories, etc. I'm really glad to be part of such an awesome and welcoming group.

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