Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up and a Backyard Visitor

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend. I know I did! Saturday was filled with fun adventures. Daniel and I went to the Jonesborough Farmer's Market Saturday morning and picked up a few goodies, including a miniature day lily, cherry tomato plant, and some gluten free peanut butter dog treats that my dogs go crazy over. I am so happy its farmer's market season. Buying local really is the way to go.

Then Saturday afternoon we went out to Kingsport, TN. for the annual Racks by the Tracks beer tasting and barbecue festival. I had a blast. There were probably 20 different beer tents there. $25 got you in to sample as many beers as you wanted, along with a souvenir glass, and the food was amazing (although not included in the ticket price, which is understandable). There was live music as well. Overall a great community event.

We also had visitor over the weekend! This little guy hung out under our porch light for a few nights, catching bugs I assume. (If you look really closely in the first photograph, you can see a little something hanging out of his mouth. Mmm.) I hope to catch some more photos of him again, if he's around.

I just love the patterns on his bumpy skin. And those golden eyes!

Hope your week is off to a good start : )

P.S!!! I have still been listing lots of new stuff in the shop that I haven't posted on here! Please stop by and check it out!

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